**We use language that centers women
Adapted from the proposed revised model of patient centered care as outlined in Patient-Centered Medicine, Patient-Centered Care in Maternity Services.
We focus on providing information that builds knowledge and skills to help shape the way you think or feel about something, so that you can make the best plan of action for your individual birth vision and birth plan. Therefore, we do not teach any specific method or tell you how to give birth.
Kingdom Birth Services is an evolution in perinatal education and support. We welcome all Kingdom focused families after God's own heart, with a special place for Black women who lack sufficient opportunities to see themselves portrayed in examples of healthy pregnancies, and birth outcomes and practicing Christianity simultaneously.
Everyone has the right to a positive birth experience. Pregnancy is not an illness but a normal part of a woman's lifespan. Unless pregnancy, labor or birth deviates from a normal physiological course, support and encouragement should be used to harness inner strength and instincts to give birth with a conservative use of medical and technological interventions, if any.
Core Birth Concepts
Method of Education